If worst comes to worst just yell "Malakas" and see where it gets you. (August 12th, 2021)
I am slowly learning some basic greek terms and words but the language will take a veerryyy long time to grasp. Having to start from the very beginning including learning a totally new alphabet is a HUGE challenge. Letters make different sounds and many words can be said multiple different ways. My favourite thing about talking with the greeks in English is the things that don’t fully translate. Throughout these blogs if I am telling a personal story I will refer to my love as "him." He is a very private person....like doesn't have social media level private. I'm pretty sure the thought of me writing a personal blog makes him want to curl up into the fetal position so he will just be known as "him."
A conversation between him and I:
Him: “after you left the restaurant everyone masterbated”
Me: “sorry what?”
Him: “it’s a saying. Meaning they did nothing. Didn’t do their jobs.”
Me: “oooohhh they jerked off” hahahah
Him: “yes same thing”
Communication is a lost key
Most relationship experts will say communication is the key to any and all kinds of relationships....Well our key got lost day one. The first day I met him I couldn't even understand how to pronounce his name because his accent is so heavy. LOL! Not off to the strongest start. Thank god him and his family, which consists of 5 other siblings, all speak English. This is very rare and I am soooo lucky this is the case for me or else I would be drowning in the greek language. It is a luxury here to take private english classes growing up, as the public system doesn't put much emphasis on this. It's kinda like how it is in Canada, kids start taking a french class twice a week in elementary school until grade 8, and then it becomes an option and no one takes it after that. So for his family to be fluent in english is a dream come true. Some of his sisters went to university in London so their English is perfect and allows me to communicate with them very well.
Me on the other hand....I started taking a greek language class in the summer and its a gongshow. I have learned the alphabet and can read out words but I have no idea what most of them mean. I know some basic words and I can order a cappuccino, which for now, is basic survival for me. He thinks I will never be able to speak it fluently, which is probably true but my goal is to at lest spit out a couple sentences in between my bites of feta and understand what they are saying to each other when they speak super fast at the dinner table.