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Xnay on Xmas

Things never go as planned. Remember that kids... (Written December 20th, 28th 2021 & January 1st 2022)

Good News But Mostly Bad News

While I have been back in Canada my love has been in airforce training. At some point in the near future he will be working with drug/security dogs for the airforce which I think he will be fantastic at, but what I am learning very quickly is being apart of the military world means you have no control over anything that happens. Where you will be stationed, what you will be doing, or for how long. You are at the mercy of what the government wants you to do. With this being said, he recently found out that he will be stationed in a very remote northern village outside of Athens for at lest three years. This shook our plans to say the lest. In our minds we thought we would be stationed on an island where I could work and there would be lots of tourist/english speaking people. More job opportunities and more freedom for me to have a somewhat normal life. That has now gone out the window and I will be living in Athens while he commutes to this airforce base weekly. I'm slightly distraught...and by slightly I mean I'm in full panic mode. This news hit me very hard. I was just getting back from Vancouver with my mobility visa in hand, thinking we were going to start this new adventure for the both of us and now….honestly…I don't know what will happen.

I am very lucky most of his family lives in Athens and they are very supportive kind people, but what does this mean for me? How will I function in Athens long term, will I be able to find work? All these questions are spinning in my head fast enough to give me a migraine. I know you have to take everything one step at a time but this is very stressful to me.

Santa Dropped The Ball

On top of now having a completely different path for the new year….We had plans for him to come to Canada for Christmas to spend time with family and help me move to Athens together. The ticket has been booked for quite some time, but with knowing where he will be stationed, comes with also knowing he will not likely be able to come for the holidays. Just more crushing news that I currently don't know how to process. This all sounds like word vomit I understand, but I just had to get this all down so its not in my head. I am going to try to stay positive and hope for a Christmas miracle, but…..its not looking good. Santa, if you are reading this…Pick it up man! If you could find some room in your sleigh to drop him off, that would be greatly appreciated.

I’m Not Good at goodbyes

Being at home for the past 4 months has been so nice. I have felt so loved and so special. I cant stress enough how incredible my family is. Christmas is an emotional time in general for most people but this one has been particularly tough. Today is December 28th and I am sitting in the Edmonton international Airport waiting for my first of three flights. I said goodbye to my mom in the morning and my sister and my dad took me to the airport. I can't even tell you how hard that goodbye was. Just writing about it now I instantly start tearing up. I cant think about not being near them. Granted I am use to goodbyes and living in a different city or province, but this feels very different. My emotions are all over the map. There is a ball of stress, excitement, and sadness sitting in my stomach right now. So many unknowns ahead and saying goodbye to my security blankets is very strange to me. I am currently looking out the big windows at the airport watching people get on planes and wondering if goodbyes for everyone else are just as difficult. Thinking about the scene in Love Actually where they show the montage of people at airports saying goodbye to their loved ones. It gets me every time.

χρόνια πολλά!

Back in Greece and thrown right into the middle of their holiday celebrations. Many greek families celebrate Christmas and New Years on the same day. December 31st is the day when Santa comes and you do a new year countdown. There's a lot going on. But lets talk about the food first….. oh my god……I have never seen so much food in one place in my life. SOOO many delicious options. You can't try everything… I mean it, you actually can't because there is so much. You have to choose your favourites and sacrifice on the salads and bread rolls and the three different chicken dishes. The greeks always get the food situation right.

The timing of these celebrations are very different to Canada. Christmas dinners from my experiences start at around 7pm. You eat, you drink, you open presents, maybe play some family board games, and usually people leave around 11:30pm. In Greece….dinner starts at 11pm…. Then you party until 3:30am. Drinks and dancing the whole night through. Lots of laughs. It was quite the enjoyable experience. And I got hit on the head with a lucky Christmas onion so I guess I’m set to take on 2022. Here we go! I full year in this crazy country. With my long stay visa in hand I am ready and terrified for what this year will bring. Let's get iiitttt.


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